onsdag 29. mai 2019

Frankincense oil cancer

Researchers concluded that, when administere the oil appears to differentiate between healthy and cancerous cells. The oil can also suppress cancer cell viability. Numerous Alternative Medical Therapies Are Coming up for Treating Cancer. Even in patients with late-stage ovarian cancer – which is exceedingly difficult to treat using conventional cancer treatment methods – the researchers discovered that the AKBA found in frankincense oil demonstrated clear efficacy.

Frankincense and Cancer : Frankincense Essential Oil Benefits.

Also, for those who don’t know, cancer is often rooted in inflammation. It’s the major anti-inflammatory effects of frankincense that make it so potent when fighting cancer. While research on frankincense and cancer is in the early stages, current appear promising. One of the reasons why frankincense oil is effective in fighting cancer cells is its anti-inflammatory properties.

For many years, the oil has been used in folk medicine for health concerns like asthma, gastroenteritis, and other conditions caused by inflammation. There are so many success stories of people reducing or curing their skin cancer completely. This article takes a look at how this could be possible.

So, if you are looking for a natural substance to help prevent or treat cancer , frankincense oil should not be your first choice. Several researches and studies find that frankincense oil has huge potential to fight cancer. Basically frankincense oil is derived from Boswellia Carteri species, that have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties. Using frankincense oil for cancer cure is an old yet effective method.

Recent research studies in mice and in vitro find that frankincense not only kills cancer cells, but it also makes neighboring non-cancerous cells healthy! The truth is that as of today, frankincense is only a cancer cure myth. There is not yet evidence that the gum resins or the essential oil works for cancer in humans.

I’ve recently really being getting into all the research that is available on frankincense oil benefits in the treatment of cancer. It’s amazing what is coming out of the scientific papers at the moment. Since essential oils cannot be patented as medication, the pharmaceutical funding for studies proving their medicinal abilities remain weak. However, despite these obstacles, there are still many studies proving serious promise for frankincense essential oil and cancer cells.

It is especially effective in fighting against skin cancer. It probably sounds odd – you’re thinking that frankincense oil should kill cancer cells and not protect them – but the only evidence for killing cancer cells (apart from one skin cancer report) comes from a few lab tests when high concentrations were used. Moderate amounts of EO will not kill cancer cells, but could protect them.

The Power of Essential Oils on Breast Cancer When you think of essential oils you may flashback to the days when you splashed a bit of patchouli or rose oil because you liked the way it smelled.

But if you do a search of “essential oils and cancer ,” there are over 7references and almost all of them show that essential oils can kill cancer cells – at least in an experimental model. How to make frankincense oil. When buying frankincense oil , only choose 1percent pure essential oil of the highest quality. Do not confuse frankincense essential oil with any type of fragrance oil. It’s true that cancer claims the lives of many people each year.

It’s important to know though that cancer is a preventable and treatable disease. To prevent cancer , a healthy lifestyle and avoidance of possible carcinogens are a must. To combat it, meanwhile, early intervention is necessary. Western studies are now backing up this traditional use, showing that frankincense essential oil and extracts have potent anti-tumor activity.

When frankincense was tested against human pancreatic cancer cells, the essential oil was able to cause substantial levels of cancer cell death by inhibiting signalling molecules and cell cycle regulators. Recently, frankincense has been in the spotlight for another healing property: studies suggest that it is also a potent cancer -fighter. Investigations over the last twenty years or so have confirmed frankincense ’s anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, two elements that are vital for healing cancer.

It may also be a good choice if you want to improve your prayer or meditation sessions, as it helps promote feelings of peace, comfort and relaxation, as well as combating stress.

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